When parents bring their son or daughter to the church for Baptism, it is the start of the child's sacramental journey of Christian Initiation. Eucharist is the second step in that Initiation, and it will be completed at their Confirmation in the 9th grade. Receiving the Body & Blood of Christ during Mass is an incredible act of grace, an encounter like no other, that brings us closer in our relationship with Jesus and with each other. Eucharist is "the source and summit" of the Christian life.
Preparation for First Eucharist typically takes place in the 2nd grade. However, children must attend one year of prior religious instruction before beginning the process of sacrament preparation. At St. Joseph Church, we also offer an "Intermediate-level" sacrament preparation track for children who, for whatever reason, did not make their First Communion in 2nd grade.
Children prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation in the fall and usually make their First Reconciliation in December. That is followed by instruction focused on the Eucharist, and children receive First Eucharist in May. Our program also includes periodic parent meetings and a family retreat.