Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Dear Parishioners,

I'd like to begin by wishing Happy Father's Day to all fathers, grandfathers and those who in any way fulfill the role of father. It's wonderful to have a day where we can acknowledge our fathers and thank them for all they do for us.

This is a time we can show thanks to God, the Father of all of us. In our celebration of Father's Day, we can thank God for our fathers and for all they have done for us and our families. We can also ask God to continue to watch over our fathers and give them His Blessing.

As we celebrate Father's Day, summer is about to begin. We can recognize God in so many ways. By looking out at the ocean, watching the sun shine on the horizon and in any way we enjoy the outdoors, we're making the most of the gifts God has given us.

At this beautiful time of year, we can see how God is present to us. Let's be sure to thank God for all of His Gifts. In a special way today, let's ask for God's Blessing on of our fathers, grandfathers and those who in any way fulfill the role of father.


Sincerely in Christ,

Father Dominick