Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

October 30, 2022


Dear Parishioners,

Zacchaeus and the Sycamore Tree

 We once again hear about a tax collector in this week’s Gospel. His name is Zacchaeus, and he was known by the people as a very dishonest tax collector. People hated when Zacchaeus came to their door because he was always collecting more than they owed and he kept the surplus for himself. But again, sometimes things on the surface are not always what they appear to be. Zacchaeus appeared to have no conscience – he just seemed to be out for himself. But when he heard Jesus was in town, we see a different side of this seemingly heartless man.

Zacchaeus had heard so much about Jesus and he wanted to see him. What was driving Zacchaeus to do this? As usual, Jesus was surrounded by a huge crowd of followers making it impossible for Zacchaeus, who was a bit short, to see Jesus. But Zacchaeus was clever – he rose above the crowds by climbing a big sycamore tree. That may have seemed odd to the people around him, but it got Jesus’s attention and immediately, Jesus told Zacchaeus to come down because he wanted to have dinner at Zacchaeus’s house.

The people were shocked! How could Jesus want to enter the house of a sinner? Once again, Jesus sees through very different eyes. Jesus saw the repentant Zacchaeus – not his sinful actions. Jesus saw the desire to change in Zacchaeus rather than focus on his past character. Jesus did the unthinkable — He forgave a known sinner!! Zacchaeus was so moved by the compassion of Jesus that he gave back everything he owed and then some! Zacchaeus’s response was spontaneous and genuine.

Forgiveness heals a great many sins and it can be the catalyst for making things right again. Forgiving people who have hurt us is not easy. But if we try to focus on the ultimate outcome or impact of that forgiveness, the task becomes within our reach. Let’s go for it!!!!

Sincerely in Christ,

Father Lito