Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

July 25, 2021

Dear Parishioners,

The summer continues to fly by. I hope everyone is enjoying it. I've always enjoyed barbecuing. It's a great way we can get together for a meal and have a nice time with family and friends. The summer is a time when we can do a lot of barbecuing.

In today's Gospel, we hear about a meal that took place outdoors and many people shared in that meal. The miracle of loaves and fish isn't about a barbecue. But it does let us see the love and compassion of Jesus. He knew the crowd was hungry and didn't want to send them to have to buy food for themselves. So Jesus performed His miracle and fed the entire crowd.

In every way we reach out to help those in need, we're following Jesus's example of love and compassion. When we invite family and friends to a barbecue and enjoy the meal and time together, we're following Jesus's example.

So let's continue to enjoy the summer and our sharing with family and friends. At the same time, let's remember those who can't enjoy the same opportunities we have. By sharing with one another and reaching out to those who are less fortunate, we are following Jesus's example of love and compassion.

Sincerely in Christ,

Father Dominick