Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

July 24, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

Words to Live By           

The Gospel from St. Luke is composed of several passages which are quite familiar to us.  Although they might seem unrelated at first, they are all deeply connected. 

The passage begins with an account of Jesus teaching the people the Our Father — this prayer contains four of the most powerful words ever spoken by Jesus, “Thy Will Be Done.”  Jesus knew it was not His will but the will of the Father that mattered. 

Let’s see how the three other parts of the Gospel reinforce that message:

(1) In the story of a man who receives visitors in the middle of the night, we can imagine how disappointed the man was when his friend refused to give him some food for his visitors. But the passage suggests the man continually asked his friend until finally he got up and gave him some food.  Jesus explains that  persistence in seeking what you are asking for at times is necessary, because our time is not always God’s time.  

(2) Jesus tells us, “ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be open to you.” Trust that the Lord will answer you.

(3) Just as a father would not give his son a snake if he asks for a fish, God the Father knows best how to answer your prayer.  Accept the will of the father.

To summarize the guidance, it comes down to:

  • Be persistent in your prayer — there are graces that come with waiting on the Lord. 
  • Trust in the answer you receive even if it is not what you are expecting.
  • Accept the will of the Father with full confidence— for only God knows what is truly best for us.

 At the end of the day, if we are persistent, if we trust and if we accept —  we will truly understand the meaning of those four words, “Thy Will Be Done”

Sincerely in Christ,                                                       

Father Lito