Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

July 2, 2023

Dear Parishioners,

Priceless in My Eyes

There is a common thread between the gospel last week and the gospel this week. Jesus is redefining a person’s “value.” He is shattering the apostles’ understanding of a person’s worth.

Jesus explains that doing good for someone who you feel is worthy of your kindness — such as a prophet or a righteous man — is good, but the motivation for your goodness should not be based on the value you place on that person. Jesus is consistent in His teachings, for we hear similar advice in the Luke 6:32-33.

If you love only someone who loves you, will God praise you for that? Even sinners love people who love them. If you are kind only to someone who is kind to you, will God be pleased with you for that? Even sinners are kind to those who are kind to them.

Jesus loves everyone with equal passion. No wonder He tells His apostles that anyone who gives a small child a cup of water is assured of their reward in heaven. Jesus deliberately uses the example of a small child because in those days, children were often not considered equal to adults, possibly because they could not yet give back — they are on the receiving end and hence not viewed as having the same “value.”

Yet, one small act of kindness toward the innocent heart of a child is worth more to Jesus than all the righteous acts done to people whom we may considered to be worthy.

 Sincerely in Christ,  

Father Lito