Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

December 11, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

I found this quote in the internet: “If the joy of the Lord is in your heart, inform your face.” Let your face know.

The Third Sunday of Advent is traditionally known as “GAUDETE” Sunday. The Latin word means “Rejoice,” taken from the first word of the Antiphon (from Phil 4:4-5) at the Introit. It sets a tone of joyful expectation for the Lord’s Birth and Second Coming. Here we take a little break from the penitential aspect of the preparation. Thus, we light the rose-colored candle of the wreath and rose vestments can be worn.

I spoke to a couple of new parishioners. They told me they were drawn to our church because of the smiles of our parishioners. It’s just a happy church. Joy is inviting. Joy is infectious. Joy is the primary mark of a redeemed people. In his Pentecost address of 2013, Pope Francis, in his usual off-script practice, reminded the crowd at Saint Peter’s Square, “Long-faced Christians cannot be evangelizers. Do you think the people would have believed the story of the Resurrection if the Apostles came out with long faces?” It can’t be simpler than that. On another occasion, he said, “Joy is the infallible sign of God’s presence.”

Logic can convince minds, but it is the heart that moves people. Joy resides in the heart and reaches out to the heart. Eloquence is overrated. If you have a sincere smile that springs from a joyful heart, you can be an evangelizer. You’re hired!!!

Sincerely in Christ,

Father Lito