Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

April 2, 2023

Dear Parishioners,      

It’s All Part of the Plan

One of the most celebrated holy days in the year is Palm Sunday. We all love to wave the palm branches as we recall Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. As we read the gospel account, we should keep in mind that there is a deliberate purpose for every step of Jesus’s journey. 

Jesus had no intention of making a grand entrance in which He was the center of attention. Rather, He came into Jerusalem on a journey of love that would end in His suffering and death. 

He didn’t ride in on a beautifully adorned horse, but rather a small donkey. A donkey is a quiet, obedient animal which emanates humility — not grandeur. Jesus knew the people were expecting Him to save them from their misery under Roman rule. He knew their thoughts. He chose the donkey to dispel their delusions that He was going to “conquer” the enemy. Although He was the only true King, He had no intentions of wearing a crown of gold or robe of jewels.

Jesus would show the world that His strength comes from His humility and His most powerful weapon is love. He was focused on the cross, not the praise He was receiving along the way. He had a job to do, and upon completing His mission, He will have achieved far more than any military victory. He will have achieved salvation for us all.

Sincerely in Christ,                            

Father Lito