Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

May 22, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

All we need is LOVE = All we need is JESUS

Someone made a very interesting comment: “As Christians, we are more known for what we are against than what we are for.”

In other words, we love to tell people what’s wrong with them. We do that to everyone.  A lot of times we don't say it, but that's what we look for in others. If you’re a religious person, everyone instantly knows what you’re against, which is okay.  But here’s the big question: are we known for what Jesus said we should be known for as disciples?

Jesus said it eloquently:  “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. “ (John 13:35). The proof then that we’re a God-follower isn’t in our religion but in our relationships. In other words, if you want to know if someone is a God follower, the question to ask is not about how many hours he or she prays. Not about how many Bible verses memorized. Not whether he or she knows the right doctrines.

Instead, I’d ask parishioners, "Is Father Lito Jesus to you?"

Ask your wife, “Is your husband Jesus to you?” 

Ask your kids, “Is your Daddy Jesus to you?” 

Ask your mother, “Is your son Jesus to you?” 

And ask your employees, “Is your boss Jesus to you?”

A great quote from John Maxwell: “Be disturbed if the people who love you the most are the people who know you the least.”

My dear parishioners, here’s the measure of our success in parish life:  the size of our growth in love for one another and how much we have become a family.  In a nutshell, how much we have become JESUS to one another. This is most important. Nothing else.

Sincerely in Christ,                                                                     

Father Lito