Browsing From the Pastor's Desk

August 7, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

We always hear this: “Time is of the essence.”  It truly is.  And, a great equalizer, if I may add. Every human being is given the same amount of time.  It’s really what we do with those 24 hours that impacts our lives.

There is a principle called 10,000 Hour-Rule, laid out in the book called Outliers. The author believed that greatness requires the giving of enormous time—approximately 10,000 hours.  Basically the rule suggests to give your 10,000 hours in one area, and you unlock your greatness in that area.

For instance, Marriage.

Why is it that before the wedding, boyfriends and girlfriends spend so much time together? They love talking to each other, laughing their hearts out and hanging out together. But the moment the wedding happens, they forget all that. If you want your marriage to work, spend time. Go out on dates each week, more if necessary.

Another instance, Parenting.

Surveys say that kids get into trouble usually because parents didn’t spend enough time with them.  Parents failed to unlock the greatness of their children by not spending both quantity and quality time with them.

And then, Faith.

Giving 10,000 hours to your relationship with God means:

Put God first. Prioritize Him. Seek Him first.

Not to sound too simplistic, but can you imagine just giving at least 10 minutes a day to connect to God? That’s 3,650 minutes a year or a little less 61 hours a year.  By the time you reach 70, that’s 4,258.33 hours.  And then you come to Sunday mass, that’s an hour (depending on the sermon), a lot of times more.  So, 10,000 hours is so feasible.

The Gospel this Sunday reminds us: “You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” So use time wisely….it is ticking away!      

Sincerely in Christ,                                                       

Father Lito